Finding The Time to Blog… How Do People Do It!

Lately, blogging has not been fitting into my schedule, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I like keeping busy. However, I follow some bloggers and they post ALL THE TIME! Like it’s crazy, how do they have so much time to write?! Doesn’t make sense. I’m sorry that blogging has been on the bottom of my list of things to do. But it’s summer! When I’m not working, which is rare, I want to go outside, not sit down on my computer. I work 7 days a week, 3 jobs to  be exact. I give tennis lessons, I intern at a news station and I’m a waitress at a country club, there’s not a whole lot of down time. Plus, I like hanging out with friends! So have to squeeze them in somewhere! Well, all I’m saying is if you find yourself blogging too much, get out! Or if your bored of your usually routine, here’s some stuff that I have been up to! Maybe it will spark some ideas!

Playing with a baby tiger!

Ok so this really did happen! A baby tiger came into my internship, BEST DAY EVER! But there are zoos that let you play/swim with baby tigers. Look into if your interested, cause seriously this was probably one of the coolest things ever.


His name was Tarzan 🙂

So cute!

Going to a wake boarding Competition and then actually trying to wakeboard!

Red Bull had one of their wake boarding competitions by my house, so why not go? They have events all the time, see if one is coming close to you. It’s a great social event and fun to watch! Also, go out and try it! I did and now, I’m addicted! haha. I’m ready to become a wake boarding pro just like these boys at the event! So much fun, great adrenaline rush.

Parks Bonifay and JD Webb were 2 professional wake boarders in the competition

GoPros don’t zoom 😦 but this is a pic of the Red Bull Event

Going to a BMX track… that was a first for me!

So I didn’t try the track… yet! But first time was to kind of just check it out, see if I could build the confidence to try it for myself and yup, I’m gonna do it! I talked myself into it, hopefully next week I get to give it a go! But anyways, watching is fun and free, some people are crazy so it’s a real good time to just watch if your not interested in actually testing the track yourself.


I work on a golf course so might as well get good at golf! And best part about this sport is dressing up and looking cute. Love it! Makes it twice as much fun especially since I’m not that great at golfing. It’s different cause most sports you don’t really have to look nice for, so golf gets a good vote for that. Plus, I just got some great new clothes and shoes for the sport. The new Jackies from Ahnu are perfect for golf, or just the casual wear around the town, they come in different colors too! So they will never not go with the rest of your cute outfit. So no worries there. They are perfect for anyone that lives on-the-go and for anyone that likes comfort! I hope we all raised are hands for that! Check them out if you like style too!

It was a great day for the golf course

Woo! New Shoes! Jackies from Ahnu to be exact! Check’em out

Slacklining in Unique places!

It’s what I spent my first paycheck on! haha once you get it and can walk the line, you will never want to stop! I love the slack line, it’s like a trampoline, so much bounce! There are so many cool tricks too that you can learn to do on it! I put a few on my Facebook fan page if you want to see some!

Slackline for life!

YAY for Unique Places!!


I love the water, so kayaking is perfect. It is so relaxing especially when you are going through mangrove trails and it’s a beautiful day. Also, going with friends is a crazy fun time!

So much fun!

A Dive-in Movie!

We have all heard of the drive-in so what not change that up for a dive-in. Get the projector out and set that up outside by the pool or check around where you live, maybe its an upcoming event! Recently, I went to a dive-in and it was so much fun! Sitting on a pool float watching Dolphin Tale. Haha. Who would have ever thought of that one, such a great idea!

I hope the fun continues! Get out and enjoy every second, I know I do 🙂

People don’t believe me when I say I work. haha